Murlan Oscar “Sonny” Frovarp, 89, of Garrison ND, diedTuesday, February 4, 2025, while he was living at the Benedictine Living Community. He will be buried next to his wife Eloise Mary Frovarp in the Los Angeles National Cemetery on March 13, 2025. He is survived by his siblings: Marlis Ann Adams, John“Jack” Clifford Frovarp (Evelene), Patricia Mae Frovarp and BettyJane Frovarp. He is also survived by his three sons: James Michael (Ellen), Patrick Francis (Patricia) and Bryon
Keith (Jennifer); his seven grandsons: Clinton Eastwood (Jessica),Joshua Michael, Nicholas Aaron, Matthew Phillip, Cordel Andrew (Brooklyn), Christian Ryan (Raven) and Collins Nicholas (Daniell); and his five great-grandchildren: Clinton Eastwood Jr., Abigail Charlee, Nicholas Eugene, Penelope Rose and Lila Rae, with another great-granddaughter on the way.
Murlan was born in Park River, ND, on June 15, 1935, to Clifford Otis Frovarp and Gudny Margret Olson. After graduating from Walsh County Agriculture School (now named Park River High School) in 1953, he moved to Minneapolis, MN, where he worked at Honeywell, Aero Division. In April, 1954, he joined the UnitedStates Air Force Reserves where he served until January 1955,when he enlisted into the U.S. Navy. His first four years in the Navyhe spent all over the Pacific: Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Guam, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, Indo-China (now Vietnam), India and the Suez Canal region.
When he came home to Fargo, ND, his sister Patricia introduced him to Ellie Tavares. Ellie was born in Parksley, VA on September13, 1939. After graduating from airlines training school, she was slated to report to TWA for duty, but one thing lead to another and they were married on Friday, March 13, 1959, in Oxnard, CA, where they lived for almost four years. Their first two sons, Jimmy and Patrick, were born while they lived in Oxnard. In January of 1963, Murl had orders to report for duty in Keflavik, Iceland, wherethey lived for three years. In 1964, Ellie was medically evacuatedto Weisbaden, Germany for the birth of their third son Bryon Keith.
Military Duty Stations include:
·1955 The USS Cimarron (AO-22), Kami Seya, Japan
·Yokosuka Japan, where he reenlisted on board the U.S. NavalCommunication Facility on January 28, 1958
·The USS Lester (DE-1022)
·The USS Springfield (CLG-7) ,where he reenlisted on boardCommander Barrier Force Atlantic Staff, Keflavik, Iceland, on December 10,1963
·The USS Newport News (CA-148)
Murlan was honorably discharged on September 30, 1974. His rank at discharge was E-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer; his MOS(Military Occupational Specialty) was Yeomen Senior Chief PettyOfficer.
Military Medals and Awards:
·The Joint Service Commendation Award
·Good Conduct Medal (5 times)
·National Defense Service Medal
·China Service Medal (Extended).
·The United States of America Vietnam War CommemorationVietnam Veteran Lapel Pin, presented on behalf of a grateful nation to living United States veterans who served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, regardless of location of service.
After retiring from the Navy, he accepted a position with Science,Engineering and Analysis, Inc (SEA) in Arlington, VA. In August of1978, the family moved to Camarillo, CA, where SEA had anotheroffice.
In April of 1985, the family was crushed by the news that Elliewas terminally ill with cancer. After a nine month battle, she diedon January 11, 1986, at the age of 46. After the loss of his wife,he
elected to retire from SEA on August 12, 1990. He sold his home inCamarillo and relocated back to North Dakota, where he would spend the next 35 years in retirement.
He was an avid hunter and loved fishing on the lake. There he was surrounded by family and friends who he cherished spending time with. He would travel to spend time with his children and their growing families. He helped and encouraged four of his grandsons to become Eagle Scouts and two more to become Life Scouts. Healso spent many years as a Scout Master, encouraging manyyoung men. His son James followed his lead and joined the Navy. Three of his grandsons became U.S. Marines to follow in the family tradition of service to our country.
During his retirement he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and later on with colon cancer. He fought them both and won thosebattles with some long term issues which he dealt with until his final days. He was also diagnosed with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), which ended up taking away most of his vision. He gave up his drivers license knowing that he couldn’t drive safely. His sister Betty and nephew Mel would graciouslybecome his drivers for the last ten years of his life, taking him to his doctors appointments and the occasional dinner out.
Murlan was a strong Catholic and a servant to all. He taught his children how to become men and how to serve people. Hetaught them humility and sacrifice. He showed them how to begood
husbands, fathers, and men of God. He lead by example andsacrificed daily for his family. He gave of himself, his time and treasures to those in need without recognition or praise. He touched many people with his generosity and compassion. He will be missed by those who knew and loved him.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American CancerSociety.
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